Topics Covered Include

  • Discovering your mindfulness habit
  • Cultivating a mindful presence
  • Coping with challenges and adversity
  • Putting your mindfulness habits to good use
  • Leaning into a sense of playfulness and purpose 
  • Bridging the gap between mindfulness and action

In this 73-page illustrated guide, Dr Allan Johnson leads you through a 21 day deep-dive into mindfulness exercises and shows you how to build the habits needed to bring mindfulness into your daily life. 

With pull-out charts for tracking process and inspirational quote posters to hang around you, print the workbook at home for your own self-guided mindfulness retreat. You'll experience the profound insights that mindfulness can give you, as well as learn the practical tools needed to put these new insights into action.

Here is what you'll learn...

✅ How to master the art of bringing mindfulness into your daily routines to reduce stress, improve self-awareness, and create more meaningful relationships,

✅ How to move beyond the challenges of everyday life by getting out of your own way and learning to triumph over challenges,

✅ How to awaken your creativity by clearing your own mental clutter and cultivating a sense of playfulness and purpose,

✅ How to harness the power of your emotions to actively shape your reality (and become a happier, healthier, and more connected person),

✅ How to cultivate mental well-being and prosperity by paying attention to the choices you make every day.

The Path of Mindful Living is about bringing mindfulness into your life, whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator All you need to do is commit to a series of small, daily actions in the course, and soon you too will not only gain a deep understanding of the benefits of mindfulness, but also begin to experience them for yourself.

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